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Stay up to date on all the Sacramento PITS news! New announcements are added regularly.
If you need to know it, it will be posted here!
FINAL Results for 2024 Posted
The Board has approved the 2024 Season Award Winners for each class. The Season Standings have been updated. The Board has not yet finalized the JOBs, so stay tuned for those updates in the very near future.
Family Trial FINAL 2024 Results
Class A FINAL 2024 Results
Join us for the 2024 PITS Awards Banquet on Saturday, January 25, 2025.
Bring your family, bring your friends, this year’s Banquet is a destination you won’t want to miss!
Join us in Grass Valley for the 2024 Sacramento PITS Awards on Saturday, January 25, 2025!
Included on the flyer here is the QR code for Venmo, when you pay @Sacramento-PITS-Inc. please comment “Banquet x the number of people who will attend." If you are mailing a check please send to Sam Todhunter 526 Saint Patrick’s drive, Ca 95945
If you would like a discount for Grass Valley RV Park, Please call in (530-404-5001) and our code is:
"2025 Sac PITS"!
The Dredger's Ravine Fun Trial Worker Points have been posted.
The Board still needs to approve JOBS for the select few that have Board Approved Jobs. Please review your Family Redistribution to make sure that we've done what you want done. If not, send us an email.
Update on Rick Wolff - 11/5/24
Dear Sacramento PITS,
We wanted to provide a few updates on Rick Wolff's recovery.
Rick is continuing to make slow but positive progress, particularly considering the severity of his injuries. In short he is now to a point where they are able to move him forward with the assistance of mechanical interventions that were previously not an option.
Signs of infection from his initial surgeries are reducing daily. He is able to communicate (in a limited fashion, "yes/no") with his nurses with the assistance of a trach valve, an extremely positive sign.
His nutritional needs can now be attended to more thoroughly with the addition of a feeding tube, in essence giving his body more resources to help him heal. He is showing minimal pain and they have decided to delay certain orthopedic surgeries based on his progress.
He has begun physical and occupational therapy, critical steps in helping him begin to mitigate the damage that may have been done.
While he's not out of the woods yet, we take these steps to be such fantastic news. We (and we're sure everyone who knows him) aren't too surprised to see how tough he is and how hard he's fighting.
They were able to discharge him from Kaiser and moved him to a skilled nursing facility called Greenhaven Healthcare Center. He's in the Begonia wing, Room 2B. It is located at 455 Florin Rd, in Sacramento, CA. He is able to receive visitors now and we're sure he'd love to see his friends. His family has asked that we please ensure his physical and occupational therapy sessions are given top priority and that we do not ask his caregivers for medical updates or information. Let's just leave those updates to the family.
As we move forward, let's continue to keep him in our thoughts, our prayers, our hearts, and hear his words of encouragement whenever we ride. We can also send cards, letters, maybe even a few photos to his brother Randy who will make sure Rick receives them.
Rick Wolff
C/O Randy Wolff
8857 Bridalsmith Dr
Sacramento, CA 95828
As always, we thank you, Rick thanks you, as does his family. We'll provide more updates as we receive them.
Sacramento PITS
National Worker Points Update
The Board approved a maximum of 10 WPs per any given day for the 2024 National at Donner. Most people received 10 WPs for the Sat &/or Sun of the National on 26-27 JUL. However, a few who only worked the Pro Shootout were awarded only 5 WPs. The Family Redistribution was started, so send us an email if you want your points redistributed a different way. There are still 3 more opportunities for WPs.
Dredger's Ravine Fun Trial @ Prairie City (Sat-Sun, 9-10 Nov)
Worker Points Update
There are 4 more opportunities for Worker Points. The Family Redistribution was done for some members that were in contention for clinching a Championship since WPs is a criteria, but this won't be formally done to everyone else until after the JOBs have been allocated.
National WPs. The Board will be finalizing these soon.
Dredger's Ravine Fun Trial @ Prairie City (Sat-Sun, 9-10 Nov)
Results Posted for the Granite Trial
Click here to see the Granite Trial results!
Donner National Work Party Info
The Donner National Work Party for this coming weekend of June 15 & 16 has been cancelled.
We are in the process of plotting sections and loop. When completed, we can assign areas for clearing etc.
Tentative for June 29th (watch your email and this page for updated info)
The work party size may be limited, so if you plan to attend, please email: Pat McPhetridge
Thank you!
The New PITS Handbook is here!
The PITS Handbook of Rules and Guidelines has been updated! The Handbook will tell you everything you need to know about checking, scoring, setting a trials course, the PITS competition classes and more.
Click to read and download the updated PITS Handbook (PDF).
Be sure to check the Classifieds page for trials bikes for sale!
Bikes for sale are posted on that page pretty frequently, so be sure to visit regularly!
Rocky Ridge Trial Official Results Posted
March 29, 2024
View the official Rocky Ridge Trial results here.
There are 10 scheduled events for both Sat and Sun Championship Series which means the Official Score will be your BEST 7 after dropping your lowest 3 scores. The BAC Worker Points have also been updated. If there are any corrections needed, please email Mandy Lewis with your conflict and once she confirms a change should be made then she will send Dan and email to correct.
1 Memorial Trial Official Results Posted
March 18, 2024
There are 10 scheduled events for both Sat and Sun Championship Series which means the Official Score will be your BEST 7 after dropping your lowest 3 scores. The BAC Worker Points have also been updated. If there are any corrections needed, please email Mandy Lewis with your conflict and once she confirms a change should be made then she will send Dan and email to correct.
2023 Updated JOBS Worker Points Posted
The Board has approved the points for those who had administrative jobs. Check the latest WORKER POINTS to see what color discount card you will get in 2024. Please review to make sure that we redistributed your family points properly. If something is not correct, send us an email with how you would like your family's points redistributed. Comments will be accepted up until January 31, 2024 and if there are any changes needed, one more final update will be made. If no changes are needed, then this will be considered the FINAL.
Dan King
Sign up for your 2024 PITS Membership! Click for the membership form to print and mail.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2023 Sacramento PITS Awards Banquet
The evening, at the Elks Lodge in Rancho Cordova was a huge success! Special thanks to our organizers, Sam Todhunter and Mike Slaight and all of the wonderful volunteers who made the evening so fun!
December 30th, 2023
The Board has approved the 2023 Season Award Winners for each class. The Season Standings have been updated. The Board has not yet finalized the JOBs, so stay tuned for those updates hopefully in the very near future.
Check them out HERE
Granite Trial Official Results Posted
Assuming there are no more canceled events, to qualify for a Year End Award, you must:
1) have competed or worked in at least 6 events AND
2) have at least 10 Worker Points.
For those looking to earn some more Worker Points, there are 2 days remaining: Vintage Trial @ Prairie City on Nov 11-12 (Sat & Sun). There is camping Fri at Prarie City just like any of our other trials.
Dan King started moving Family membership points around to what he thought would benefit the members based on this year's participation.
Please send us an email if it is not what you prefer. There will be an update to the Results after the Vintage Trial and a Final Standings Results will be posted sometime in mid December showing a list of Board Approved award winners in each class and also Worker Points for SACPITS Jobs.
Congratulations to the following who have already clinched their Championship.

Harvest Classic Official Results Posted
Assuming there are no more canceled events, to qualify for a Year End Award, you must:
1) have competed or worked in at least 6 events AND
2) have at least 10 Worker Points.
Congratulations to the following who have already clinched their Championship.

Bear Valley Official Results Posted
Assuming there are no more canceled events, to qualify for a Year End Award, you must:
1) have competed or worked in at least 6 events AND
2) have at least 10 Worker Points.
Congratulations to the following who have already clinched their Championship.

Sierra Classic Official Results Posted
Assuming there are no more canceled events, to qualify for a Year End Award, you must:
1) have competed or worked in at least 6 events AND
2) have at least 10 Worker Points.
Congratulations to the following who have already clinched their Championship.

Changes to the Events Calendar
Due to the massive quantity of snow at the PITS Property, we have had to make some additional changes to the Events Calendar. Note that the Kraut Cup, previously scheduled for June 10 - 11 has been MOVED to August 5 - 6. The Strawberry Trial has also been moved. We'll see you there on July 22 - 23. Visit the Events page for all upcoming PITS events.
Prison Hill Official Results Posted
What a fabulous event! Official results for the Prison Hill Battle Born Trial are here.
In Memory of Longtime PITS Member Jim Winter
It is with sadness that we announce that longtime PITS member and friend to many, Jim Winter, passed away on April 21, 2023.
Below is the announcement from his friend Bob Mark:
Jim Winter completed his last event on Friday, April 21st. He completed an incredible ride, his feet having never left the pegs and smooth forward motion his entire run.
Celebrating his transition are his wife of 62 years, his daughter and 2 grandchildren, and one beautiful great grand daughter. He will be ensconced in a memorial in the High Country, created from his collection of 2000 lbs of vintage 70's and 80's Honda cranks, pistons, and engine casings.
No memorial service is planned, but I'm sure he'd appreciate any support you might give to a novice rider, as he did for so many of us.
Bob Mark
Click here for some wonderful photos of Jim (by Pat McPhetridge.)
#3 Rocky Ridge Trial Official Results Posted
It was a gorgeous weekend at Burrow's Ranch outside of Chrome, CA!
The official results are posted here.
#2 Memorial Trial Official Results Posted
Congratulations to all those who braved the weather and mud at last weekends Memorial Trial at Prairie City!
The official results are posted here.
Overall standings and worker points are posted as well.
#1 British American Cup Official Results Posted
The British American Cup, had an amazing turnout of a 121 riders on Saturday and 114 on Sunday! What a perfect season opener. Great weekend and perfect weather.
The official results are posted here.
Overall standings and worker points will be posed after the next event. As a reminder we will be going back to the numbered classes on Saturday for the rest of the season.
#13 2022 Season Award Winners & Updated Worker Points Posted
The Overall Standings for both the Family Trial Series and Class A Series have been updated with those receiving an award approved by the Board. Effectively, Top 3 were approved. To qualify, you had to have competed or worked in at least 6 Events AND have at least 10 Worker Points. The Small Wheel Championship Series criteria for qualifying for an award was competing in at least 4 events.
The WORKER POINTS have also been updated with the Jobs. Check it out to see what color discount card you will get in 2023. I went ahead and redistributed your Family points to give you the best discount in 2023 based on this season's participation. If something is not correct, please email Dan King with how you would like your Family's points redistributed.
Dan King
Official results posted- here.
This wraps up the 2022 Season. Congratulations to the following riders who have clinched their Championship Series on the final event this past weekend.
Family Trial Series
Steve Sasse-SI
Arienne Sasse- JR SPT
Charlotte Lange- Kids EXP
Ryker Blevins- Kids Mini Clubman
CLASS A Trial Series
Chris Riesner- ADV B
Jeff Naff- INT A
All championships have been highlighted in yellow in the overall standings. In order to qualify for the championship (or an award), you need to have competed or worked in at least 6 events for the Family Trial Series and at least 6 events in the Class A Trial Series AND have at least 10 worker points.
The board will review the overall standings and approve awards to each class. Once they do that, the standings will be updated with the names highlighted for an award. Then, the board will review the jobs, and the worker points standings will be updated with your family redistribution of points updated to yield the most cost effective discount card based on your 2022 rider entries. You will then have an opportunity to make any necessary changes.
Official results are posted here.
Congratulations to the following riders who have clinched their Championship Series this past weekend:
Family Trial Series
Juri Firth AMA
Leah Firth Kids PRO
Riley McBride Kids JR
CLASS A Trial Series
Matt Wanlin EXP
Creighton Todhunter SI A
There are still some great battles that will be decided at our last event, the SPOOKY TRIAL:
Chris Riesner and Tony McGrath in CLASS A Series ADV B Class
Jeff Naff and Shawn Freiling in CLASS A Series INT A Class
Lance Maddux and Steve Sasse are vying for the Family Trial Series SI Class
Jeremiah Lucero, JJ Hurban, Annabelle Bartoli, Charlotte Lange, and Paxdon
Cortez are all in a 4-way battle for the Small Wheel Championship Series
Ryker Blevins only has to show up and compete to clinch the Small Wheel
Championship Series MINI CLUBMAN Class
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